Translation grants
The Institut Ramon Llull awards grants to publishing companies for the translation of literary works (poetry, theatre and narrative) and scholarly works in the fields of science and the humanities that were originally written in Catalan.
During the last two calls for grant applications, and with the 2007 Frankfurt Book Fair in mind, translations from Catalan to German received special attention.The grants awarded were as follows:
- Les veus del Pamano by Jaume Cabré. Editorial
Insel Verlag
- Quanta, quanta guerra by Mercè Rodoreda. Editorial
Suhrkamp Verlag
- El Quadern gris by Josep Pla. Editorial Suhrkamp
- La ciutat invisible by Emili Rosales. Editorial
Piper Verlag
- Vuitanta-sis contes by Quim Monzó. Editorial
Frankfurter Verlag
- Cinc nits de febrer by Eduard Màrquez. Editorial
- Antoni Gaudí by Josep Pla. Berenberg
- Fèlix o el llibre de les maravelles by Ramon
Llull. Verlag Schwage AG
- L'�mbit de tots els �mbits by Miquel
Mart� i
Pol. Editorial Delta
- Despr�s de tot by Miquel Mart� i
Pol. Editorial Delta
- Joana i altres poemes by Joan Margarit. Editorial
- Tr�nsits by Carles Batlle.
Merlin Verlag
- El tren de Bagdad by Manuel Forcano. Elfenbein
- Antologia by V�ctor Sunyol, Enric Casassas, Eduard
Escoffet i Arnau Pons. Stiftung Lyrik Kabinet.
- Un crim imperfecte, by Teresa Solana. Piper
- El carrer estret by Josep Pla. Ammann Verlag.
- Vida privada by Josep
Maria de Sagarra. Elfenbein Verlag
- Katalonien 1975/05 by Tilberg D. Stegman. Lit
- L'ou de la serp by Eugeni Xammar.
Berenberg Verlag
- Hist�ries del mar by Josep Pla. Berenberg
- Tota la vida by Ada Castells. Berlin Verlag
- Tor by Carles Porta. Berlin
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